Saturday, September 5, 2015

More Than Brainstorming

Do you brainstorm to develop solutions?

Most of us do. Brainstorming is a useful tool, even if many people do it incorrectly or incompletely. They do it incompletely because they stop too soon, as soon as they reach that awkward silence.

That awkward silence doesn't mean that we're done - it means that the best ideas are yet to come - if we give them time and space to develop.

Brainstorming a solution to your problem is not always enough. It helps to know your criteria for success.

How will you decide? How will you narrow your choices? Who will you be or become as the result of your choices?

Problem solving is more than brainstorming. And it starts by figuring out who we are, and who we want to be.

Who do you want to be?

What do you want your problem solutions to show about you?

-- Doug Smith

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