Monday, October 7, 2024

Blame Is Not Your Problem


It's irksome to get blamed for a problem. That can raise emotions that make solving the problem even more difficult. If we can center ourselves first, breathe, and release the blame, maybe we can see what path to take.

We can solve the problem.

Getting blamed for a problem we didn't create doesn't prevent us from solving it.

Let go of the blame, wherever it came from.

-- doug smith


Action Step:

The next time you catch yourself blaming anyone for anything, just let go of the blame. 

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Peace With Temporary Solutions



As a recovering perfectionist, I've tried to make peace with temporary solutions. I do still want everything to be perfect (and to STAY that way) while also learning that even my best ideas are transitional at best. Things will change. I will change. You will change. Our ideas and solutions will also need to change.

If we can stop thinking that solutions are final our problems won't seem so troubling.

Because whatever we don't solve NOW can still be solved later. 

Add a little kaizen to your solution and let it breathe.

What do you think?

-- doug smith

Action Step:

In your next action plan, consider adding a step for continuous improvement. 

Sunday, September 29, 2024


Cooperative, centered problem solving rewards you even when the problem is not solved.

-- doug smith

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Detaching Personalities


Have you ever had a problem that seemed to be propelled by people's personalities? When it's hard to get along our problems can linger on.

Here's what I do: take a breath, take nothing personally, and take charge of taking the next step.

A centered problem solver detaches the problem from the personalities.

-- doug smith


Monday, June 24, 2024

Keep Solving


It's frustrating to solve a problem only to have it re-appear. And, even if it doesn't re-appear it seems like another problem quickly pops up.

Problems don't stay solved so we must keep solving.

And so...keep solving.

-- doug smith 

Sunday, June 9, 2024

Choose Your Story



Have you thought about how many stories you add to your life? We are so interested in understanding the meaning of everything that if we can't easily find the meaning we simply make it up. We tell stories to explain what we believe, even if what we believe has zero evidence or proof.

Ordinarily, that's annoying. When dealing with a problem, that's a disaster in motion.

Things we do to expand that story include ascribing motives to people we believe are responsible. They include interpreting words and actions as malicious, when maybe they were simply capricious. They include telling tales of woe and victimhood that do not lead to sensible solutions.

It's another problem within a problem. But we can choose.

Be careful about adding a story to a problem that only makes the problem worse.

You don't want to make the problem worse, do you? You want to solve it. If your story is not leading to a positive outcome, maybe just maybe the story is wrong.

-- doug smith

Saturday, June 8, 2024

What You Want?

Is what you want more powerful than what you need in order to solve that problem?

Is what you want negotiable?

-- doug smith


Sunday, June 2, 2024

Try Again

Problems have a way of recalibrating our expectations.

Didn't get what you expected? Try again.

-- doug smith


Sunday, May 12, 2024

Emotional Additives


We are a bundle of emotions. When we're at work we might try to leave our emotions at home, but they will sneak in. Emotions are powerful. Emotions are influential. 

Emotions can cause problems when people over-react, melt-down, freeze-up, or fight. We become so consumed that we over-simplify. Our demands increase, our effectiveness does not.

Emotions seldom solve problems. 

Pay attention, but be careful about serving your emotions (or anyone else's). 

-- doug smith 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

Why Wait?


There is usually more glory (and satisfaction) in solving a problem than there is in doing the hard work ahead of time to prevent the problem in the first place. It means paying attention to risk, rather than dismissing it with some wildly optimistic notion that things will stay steady and true and always work out for you. That would be great, but have you considered the potential problems.

Potential problems have a way of turning into actual problems.

It takes less energy to prevent a problem than to solve it. Why wait?

Fun or not, prevention works.

-- doug smith


Thursday, April 11, 2024

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Many Paths

A mystery is only a mystery until you understand it. A problem is only a problem until you achieve your goal.  

Fortunately, there are thousands of paths to your goal.

-- doug smith

Blame Is Not Your Problem