What if you had a great idea for a solution but lacked the courage to implement it?
I'm afraid that it happens all the time. We can see the solution, but the changes it would take require too much of our stamina, too much of our determination, too much of our willingness to change.
It can be inconvenient. It can be discomforting. And so, very often, we don't adapt the solution.
It's taken a long to time to embrace alternative sources of energy, for instance. We seem to finally be making significant progress in converting to solar power and battery technology instead of relying exclusively on fossil fuels. Did we wait too late? Let's hope not, but let's learn from this that when we can see the solution we should muster up whatever courage it takes to adapt that solution even when we encounter resistance from people who have other interests in mind.
That's the big challenge, isn't it? Competing agendas can drain the courage right out of us. But, we can't let that happen. We must, as centered problem solvers (as opposed to agenda-driven problem solvers) engage everyone who can either implement or offset our solution ideas. We need the help of our opposition.
That takes courage.
Knowing the solution to a problem only helps when you have the courage to implement it.
What solution have you been holding off on because of the resistance you know that you'll encounter? What can you do about that today?
-- Doug Smith
Front Range Leadership: High Performance Leadership Training
doug smith training: how to achieve your goals
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