Saturday, August 8, 2015

Get To Know Your Team

When you are working to solve a problem, how much time do you spend getting to know your team?

When we collaborate on problem solving we surround ourselves with people who can help. But not all teams are the same. The people on the team largely determine how successful we will be. A centered problem solver considers the needs, personalities, and skills of the people on the team and gets to know them better.

A problem solving team needs time to understand each other as well as the problem.

Maybe all you need is a round of introductions. Maybe all you need is a useful and bonding warm-up activity. Maybe you need a meal to relax and settle into a productive team energy. Figure out what you need and give it the attention it deserves.

The people on your team are people.

What more can you do on the next collaboration in order to learn more about the people involved?

-- Doug Smith

doug smith training: how to achieve your goals 

Front Range Leadership: High Performance Leadership Training

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