Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Fear and Change


Change, while necessary, can also provoke fear.

Solving problems requires change. 

Given a choice, it's easy to shy away from the fear of change.

We hold onto our problems when change causes fear. Stay centered, manage those emotions, and reach for courage instead of fear. What if you DID solve that problem by changing the process, the situation, or the interpersonal dynamics?

You can. Fear might just be the excitement you feel from the shift of the solution.

-- doug smith


Sunday, November 3, 2024

More Than Trying

Have you ever tried to solve a problem too fast? The need for that closure, the craving for satisfaction, the desire to put the problem to rest can lead us to solutions that feel good at first but just do not work.

The point of problem solving is not to feel good about trying to solve the problem -- it's about solving the problem.

That might take longer. 

-- doug smith


Fear and Change