What if that problem is simply a dance step out of time?
-- doug smith
by douglas brent smith
The change we embrace is the change that solves our problems.
Maybe not the first time. Maybe not the second time. But, eventually.
Problems need change.
-- doug smith
Sometimes we have to avoid the problem in front of us to solve the problem ahead of us.
-- doug smith
I didn't ask for any of my problems but solving some of them gave me more than I could ever ask for.
-- Harry X. Tudas
A problem that resists your solution is searching for a better way.
It's your partner, not your enemy. It's gently, persistently, pushing you toward a better solution.
-- doug smith
Judging another person's problems doesn't solve any of your own.
-- doug smith
As frustrating as it is, some people don't care about your problem until you make it their problem, too.
But you don't have to manipulate them into it. Talk about it. Share your concerns. Find the connections and you'll also find their investment.
Once their in, collaboration is far more likely.
-- doug smith
Beyond the present solutions there are even better solutions to nearly every problem.
-- doug smith
Fighting a problem does not require us to fight other people.
We don't need to agitate when we can collaborate.
Fix the problem (which is likely caused by flaws in the process, design, or environment) and the people will be fine.
-- doug smith
Has anyone ever solved a problem in a way that made things worse for you?
Changes in job sites, changes in processes, software updates, family squabbles...with good intentions people rush solutions into play that seem to work for some, and yet badly disappoint others.
We can do better than that.
Think thru those solutions before launching that change. Get help from as many people as possible who will be impacted by that change.
Until you consider the impact of your problem's solution on other people you haven't really considered that solution enough.
-- doug smith
What if the least likely solution to a problem turned out to be your best choice?
Unlikely does not mean impossible.
Face the challenge and the challenge may back down. Get creative and the best solution may emerge.
-- doug smith
Once you realize that you're angry you can let it go.
It's done its job: informing you of a disconnection.
We can keep disconnecting, or we can solve the problem by connecting.
What's your choice?
-- doug smith